Thursday, November 30, 2006

My Body

A bunch of nuisances-
and reverence-
A thousand
of laugh and dance
Hard to tell the bad or the good-
As what's good,
might be what's bad-
Yea, my body
carries big load.........

Many desires
pile up one upon top-
Followed by
a galaxy size of hope-
Two tea spoons
of stored memory-
carries the sweetest
and a bag full of worry.

My body,
sophesticate & mystrious art-
It's being chauffeured
in discret thought-
Until the day of break,
and to the last ray of sun set-
Head on the highway,
where it's conformed as
every soul's comfort.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

ነገስታት (እቴጌ ) ዘ ኢትዮጵያ


ኢትዮጵያ በጥንታዊነትዋን ቀደምት መሆንዋን የሚመሰክሩላት አበይት የታሪክ ምስክሮች አሉ :: የነበሩዋት ሥርወ -መንግስትታት ወይም ዳይናስቲስ በህግና በመንግስት አወቃቀር ና ስርዐት ህዝቦችዋ ከጥንት ጀምሮ የበላይነትን ስፍራ መያዛቸውን ይናገራሉ :: ሦስት ሺህ ዘመን ብለን የምንቆጥረው እንግዴ ከ ንግስተ ሳባ , መክዳ , ና ከንጉስ ሰለሞን ልጅ ንጉስ ቀዳማዊ ሚኒሊክ (=የንጉስ ልጅ ) ጀምረን እስከ ቀዳማዊ ኃ /ሥላሴ የነበረውን ዘመን ብቻ ነው :: ከሦስት ሺው ዘመናት በፊት የነበረችው ኢትዮጵያ እንደምን ነበረች የሚለውን አትኩሮት ጉልህ አድርጎ ማሳየት ነው የዚህ መጣጥፍ ግንባር ቀደም ሚና :: ( ታሪክን ወደኋላ ሄደን ስንመረምር የቀድሞዋ ኢትዮጵያ የመንን , ሊቢያን , የታችኛው አባይ /ናይል ና ከፊል /በጠቅላላ ሱዳንን ጭምር የምታጠቃልል መሆንዋን ከግንዛቤ ማስገባት ሊኖርብን ነው )::

የካንዳንስ (= የንግስቶች የንግስና የማዕረግ መጠሪያ ስም ) ዘመኖችን ኢትዮጵያ አሳልፋለች :: ወንዶች ነገስታት በሦስት ሺህ ው ዘመነናት ውስጥ እንደተፈራረቁ ሁሉ ከዚያ በፊት ንግስቶች በማያቋርጥ ሁኔታ ዘጠና ሰባት የሚደርሱ የተከበሩና የተፈሩ ሀያላን ከንግስት መክዳ ቀደም ብለው ገዝተዋል ::
በዝነኛነታቸው በጦርነት ስልት አዋቂነታቸው ታሪክ ሁሌ የሚያነሳቸው የነበሩም ነበሩ :: የነዚህ ንግስቶች ንግስና ያበቃው ይላሉ ጸሃፊዎች መክዳ , ንግስተ ሳባ ላይ እንደሆነ ይናገራሉ :: ኃያላን ስለምሆናቸው የተመዘገበ ለምሳሌ ያንዲቱን ታሪክ ይህን ይመስላል :: አለክሳንደር አለምን በማን አለብኝነት ሲያንበርክክ ና ክብርና ዝናን ሲቀዳጅ , በወቅቱ የኢትዮጵያ ካንደንስ (ንግስት ) የነበረችው በአለም ላይ በጦርነት ውጊያ መላቸው የአንቱታን ማዕረግ ከተቀዳጁት ጥቂት ተዋጊዎች አንዷ ነበረች :: ግብጽን (የላይኛው ?) አስገብሮ በጉጉት ይጠብቀው የነበረውን ና በንግስቲቱ ቀጥተኛ ትዕዛዝ በተጠንቀቅ የሚጠብቀውን የጥቁር ጦር ግን ኢትዮጵያን በመውረር መገናኛት አለክሳንደር ምርጫው አላደረገውም :: ያለውን ክብርና ሞግስ የማጣቱ በተለይ ደግም በሴት ጄነራል ከስጋት ጥሎት ነበር ::

ኢትዮጵያ በንግስቶች ዘመን በሃብት ና በኃይል የጠነከረች መሆንዋ ብቻ ሳይሆን እስከአሁን ድረስ ስማቸው የሚነገርላቸው የአውሮፓ የቅኔ ሰዎች በቅኔዎቻቸው አሞግሰዋታል :: በቅዱሳን መጻህፍት ስለፍርድ አዋቂዎቹ ስለሰለጠኑት ስለድንቆቹ ኢትዮጵያዊያን በተለያዪ ስፍራዎች በተለይ በመጽሐፍ ቅዱስ ብሉይ ኪዳን ውስጥ አይሌ ስፍራ ሰፍረው ይገኛሉ :: በሃዲስ ኪዳንም የአንዲቱን ካንደስ ንግስተ ኢትዮጵያ ታሪክ የሚዘክር በ ሃዋርያት ሥራ 8:27 ተጠቅሶ ይገኛል ::
ይቀጥላል .........amargna

Monday, November 27, 2006

Just dail the numbers up for me ........ Kibebew Gedda

I got so pissed off

Kibebew Gedda.............New Employee Orientation, & The Security guard




Alexander reached Kemet (Ancient Egypt) in 332 B.C., on his world conquering rampage. But one of the greatest generals of the ancient world was also the Empress of Ethiopia. This formidable black Queen Candace, was world famous as a military tactician and field commander. Legend has it that Alexander could not entertain even the possibilty of having his world fame and unbroken chain of victories marred by risking a defeat, at last, by a woman. He halted his armies at the borders of Ethiopia and did not invade to meet the waiting black armies with their Queen in personal command.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

How Can We Live?

A brief poetry spoken word I wrote for a friend initially. She liked it and included it in a report for school, Considering the season and the reason I wanted to share it with all. Written and copyrighted work by AWARD the poet, slam poet. ... Please Comment and share on here, I can be emailed at, Thank you.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Amharic Sweet Ethiopia Radio

This Week's episode @ SWEET ETHIOPIA RADIO PODCAST 16:
ሽርሙጥና (...ካለፈው ሳምንት የቀጠለ)
ከ እሸቱ ተፈራ ( A Closer Look at Prostitution) Amharic.
Fri, 24 Nov 2006 06:58:00 -0700
Length: 44:13...........>

Enjoy & Y'MechWo!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

saw a`yer ሰው አየር

funny boxes? click here

የአይኖቹ ሲሳይ ፣
አንጋጦ ሰማይ ሲያይ፣
ለምድር በ ምድር ፣
ሲጥር ና ሲግር ፣
አቅሉ ጥምጣም ሲዞር ::

ለጥላቻ ቆርጦ፣
ለበቀልም ሮጦ ፣
አቤት ጥድፊያው ለክብር፣
ደሙም ሲፈስ ለፍቅር ፣
ላመነበት ሲኖር ፣
የሰው ልጅ በምድር ::

እንደምድር ለካስ፣
ያሸበረቀው ዳስ ፣
የማያውቀው ስፍራ፣
ስሙ የሚያሰፈራ ፣
ቤቱ ለካስ ነበር ፣
እንደ ውዱ ምድር ፣
የሰማዩም ሃገር ::

በሀሳብ መንኩራኩር ፣
ጭልጥ ብሎ ሲበር ፣
በህልሙ ተውልዶ ፣
ርቆ ከምድር ሄዶ ፣
አወቀ -
የአዳም ዘር ፣
ገላ ልብሱ አፈር ፣
መርገፉ እንደማይቀር ::

ስጋ የለሽ መንፈስ ፣
እንደንፋስ የሚነፍስ፣
እንደሚሆን አየር ፣
አፈር ልብሱ ሲቀር፣
ስው አየር
ሰው አየር ::

YekeNfer WodaJee (@ Bati market)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

My slid show

The volume control is located at the left bottom corner of the slid show.....just move your mouse

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Please Choose Me

I had to Wait for
I see words of ecstasy
To make a love letter, or
poem of fantasy

But each word sings
''Lover man,
Please choose me
Just me,
please choose me''

Words that I got at hand,
Sound better than
the former
Yea, could carry my love,
all are
gold ambers of fire.

But each & every word
Is a word of
Knocking on my head,
and sings
'' Lover man
Please choose me
Just me,
please choose me''

Yet, My pen hung and
Did not kiss
The paper
AS many fine words
Come and go as
a whisper

Sandals is the wind
the flying bee
Each of word sings
''Lover man
Please choose me
Just me,
Please choose me''

"Darling'' chose I
And," This letter is for
I love you so much,
And my love is so
then after,
all are dispersed
the morning dew.

Monday, November 20, 2006

ቃልሽ ቃሌ ታምኖ

ብቻውን አንድ እንጨት አይሆንም ማገዶ፣
ቢረዳ ነው ልቤ መምጣቱ አንቺን ወድዶ፣
ወገግ ፍቅር ቢልለት ከፈጣሪ ማልዶ ፣
ሞላ ና ተርፈው የቃላት ማገዶ ፣
ተዓምር ሊሰራ ካንቺ ጋር ተጠምዶ ::

'ደሙሴ ቁጥቋጦ ፣
እሳቱ ተቀምጦ ፣
ፍቅሩን ካላየሁት፣
ምኑን ከምኑ ወደድኩት ፣
የማላውቀውን ሀገር -
አይደል የናፈኩት ?

ለመጣልን ከላይ ፣
ካልሆን ፍፁም አባይ፣
ይበሥላል ያ ፍቅር ፣
የተቸርነው ከግዜር፣
ምንም ቢመስል ጠጣር ::
እንዳይተንም ተኖ ፣
እንደሽቶ በኖ ፣
ደስታ ይዘምታል በሀገር -
ተላላፊ ሆኖ ::

በፍጡራን መሃል መልካም ማዛው ገኖ፣
በብዙ አፍቃሪ ቃልሽ ቃሌ ታምኖ፣
ሺህ ዘመን ይፃፋል ጥፍጥናውን ጭኖ፣
የመውደድ ማሳያ ደብዳቤንም ሆኖ ::

ቃላት ሥቀፈቅፍ ፍቅር ፍቅርን ወልዶ፣
ልቤ ሲፍለቀለቅ ምድጃ ተጥዶ ፣
ይንቀልቀል ከውጥሽ የማይጠፋው እሳት ፣
ፍቅር ከንቱ አይደለም የለም ቢሉም ሃሰት ::

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Inda Gud (Drinking through the nose) kibebew Geda

The Progress of Literature

"Lucian makes the Ethiopians to have excelled all other nations in wisdom and literature." And, continues Cummings Antiquities: Heliodorus says, that the Ethiopians had two sorts of letters, the one called regal, the other vulgar; and that the regal resembled the sacerdotal characters of the Egyptians."

We have already treated upon that first branch of their literature, hieroglyphics, under the head of Builders of the Pyramids, and we add here, that according to Lucian, "they invented astronomy and astrology, and communicated those sciences, as well as other branches of learning, to the Egyptians. As their country was very fit for making celestial observations, such a notion seems not entirely groundless, though scarce any particulars of their knowledge had reached us."

We present here, copied from Cummings taken from the great History of Ethiopia by that learned Israelite in Ethiopian literature, Job Ludolphus, the regal letters or Royal Ethiopians Alphabet, which none but the kings, priests, royal family and nobility were expected to learn.

The hieroglyphics were the vulgar or common letters, because representing objects or things to the eye, known and understood at sight by the common people, the compositions or combination of which into sentences, could easily be learned by them. Hence, a hawk, for swiftness, meant dispatch or hasty news; a crocodile, for its meanness, meant malice; a serpent, danger; the open right hand, plenty; the closed left hand, safety or security: a jackal, watchfulness or vigilance; an oxen, patience; a sheep, innocence or harmlessness; a dove, love and innocence; a pigeon, news sent abroad; a swallow, news received; a rat or rabbit, caution, to be aware from their ruining habits; a water jug, thirst; the eye, Divine watchfulness, all seeing; water, to run as a stream; land or territory, a country, representing hills and dales, an owl, always ominous and portentious; a dog, friendship, fidelity, faithfulness and trustworthiness; and a cat, companionship, meekness and constancy; a cock, boast or banter; a horse and chariot, preparation for war; all of which readily address themselves to the senses and comprehension of the common people.

The hieroglyphics are letters forming a literature founded upon the philosophy of nature without alphabet; but that which we shall now present is of much higher order, being artificial characters based on metaphysical philosophy of language.

With our limited knowledge in archaeology, we have always believed that the philosophy and root of alphabetical literature had its origin in Africa, or with the Hamite family. We have gone a step aside from this, and claimed that the first sixteen letters of the Greek alphabet, from alpha A to pi II, originated in Africa, as a part of the sacerdotal alphabet, the Greeks adding eight more from ro to omega .

We call attention to the Ethiopian alphabet presented above, the oldest, we believe, on record, if we discard the extraordinary assertion of Confucius, the Chinese historian, who claims for his race, a civilization and literature fifteen thousands years older than the theological period of creation. But happily for our claim, we believe they have no alphabetical arrangement.
The Origin of Race and Color
by Martin R. Delany

*****To Be More Than Equal
The Many Lives of Martin R. Delany
First Black Field Officer
in the US Army
And Conscience to All *****

E're Bati, Bati........

Selam wd wegenoC! Indemn alaCu?

This ....... will take you to the town of Bati in the Wello region.

E're Bati, Bati........

Bati gende'liyu........

Teren-wa y'metal

Teshe-faf-new sihedu...

E're Bati, Bati........

goes one of Kassa's Tizeta songs paying tribute to a small town in Wello that has inspired countless verses of songs that celebrate the beauty, romance and poetry of the land and children of Wello.

Bati is a small town you meet as you travel from Dessie high in the central plateau to the lowlands of Afar on your way to the Red Sea port city of Asseb. Bati is a unique place where Dega Ethiopia meets Kola Ethiopia. It is a place where Christian Ethiopia meets Moslem Ethiopia. Oromo Ethiopia, Afar Ethiopia and Amhara Ethiopia meet in this unique place and interact in a remarkable way that sets a positive example to the rest of the nation.

As you read this article this Monday morning, thousands of Ethiopians flock to Bati Gebeya as they have done so regularly for each of the 52 Mondays of the past 200-300 years(*). At around 10 o'clock in the morning, Afars from the Danakil lowlands could be seen leading hundreds of camels to the market. Highland Amhara men clad in 'Bernos' and their women with silver crosses around their necks, Oromo and Amhara Moslem men in their knitted skull-caps are a common sight.

By mid-day, Bati Gebeya is flooded with almost 15,000 people(*) trading in such diverse items as Chinese tea-cups, soap, nafta, batteries, incense, blue jeans, electronic goods, salt etc.. But for most of the people assembled here this Monday morning, business as in selling and buying stuffs is not on the top of the list. It is rather a secondary engagement. Socializing and just watching everybody else seems to be the favorite engagement of everyone here.

For both the highlanders (Dege'gnas) and the lowlanders (Kole-gnas), Bati Gebeya is a whole different world. Afar women, most of them bare-breasted, display their necklaces, bracelets and earrings and their intricate hairdos. The Afar men, often lean and tall, walk around with a rifle slung over their shoulders and a large dagger dangling over their sides. They walk effortlessly and often checking the roundness of their afro hairstyles. Tigrean and Yemeni used to be the main traders here, but with the introduction of the lucrative trade in electronic goods such as tape recorders and VCR, the ever entrepreneurs-the Gurages are establishing a strong presence.

Late in the afternoon, as business winds down to a slow pace and young men and women have flirted, the lowlanders pack up to travel to their homes in the Danakil plains before sunset. And the higlanders, often satisfied with their new purchased batteries and Nafta fuel and occasionally, electronic goods from Taiwan get ready to negotiate the uphill routes to their homes in Kombolcha, Dessie and the environs.

And far in the highlands, shepherds (Ere'gnas), as they have done for hundreds of years, sing aloud songs of love, romance and simple village lives as they lead their cattle back to the "berets' before darkness sets in.

And the land of Wello and town of Bati slip to the doldrums of a quiet evening and week....only to awaken next Monday when it will be one more market day.

Belu melkam sa'mnt le-hulachinim.

Samuel Kinde

(*) - reference - Ethiopian Journeys - P. Henze.

VARIETY COLUMN "...A column for Ethiopian culture, geography, History, literature, music, k'ne, humor, current affairs and the like...."

NUMBER 5 ---< < < < < For the EEDN community > > > > > > --- November 29, 1992

ThE hiDDeN EmpieR

Friday, November 17, 2006

ወደድኩሽ ውደጂኝ

ብዕር ከወረቀት
ማሳሳም ተስኖኝ
የመውደድ ደብዳቤ
አልወለድ ብሎኝ
ቀለም ወረቀት ላይ
ገና አላሸበረቀ
ቃላት በ ቃላት ላይ
ቃልን እያረቀ ::

አንዱ ቃል ከ ሌላው
ልቤ ውስጥ ሲራኮት
ደብዳቤ ለመፃፍ
ለአካል ሙናዬ ውቢት
ሞቀልኝ ገበያው
የፍቅር ቃላቱ
ሲተራመስ አየሁ
ቅኔ ም በአይነት አይነቱ
የቃላት ዕሩምታው
አላከትም ቢለኝ
'እኔን ምረጥ እኔን '
የሚሉም መሰልኝ ::

ሁሉም ቆንጆ መላክ
ብቃት የታደሉ
'እኔ ልሸከም ፍቅር
እኔን ምረጥ ' ያሉ
ጉጉታቸው ልቆ
"እኔ ልቅደም ' 'የለም እኔ ' ቢሉ
ከ ወደድኩሽ _ውደጂኝ
ጭራሽ ! አይስተካከሉ ::

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Spyining on each other

When I look at
flowers bloom fine
Inwhich Beauties,
beautyfully define

There I see your smile
Painting my soul,
as it's so vital.

When I look up at
the heaven,
Seductive horizon

I see you there as the sun
Bathing my whole body,
With such a love-shine.

When I look at
the river,
Pure clear water

There I see your reflection,
As an angle's fire.

As though you and I
Are the earth and the sky
Spying on each other
Every now and then,
And forever and ever.


Monday, November 13, 2006


ፈጣሪ ቢቆጣ
አሣር በዛ ጣጣ
እኛ ባመጣነው
ሰውን አምልከነው
ጌታዬ ብንለው
ይኸው ይኸው
ባሀገር ሟቹ ህዝብ ላይ .....
ባንዳን አንሰራራው ::

ምድር ዛፍ _ ቅጠሉ
እምቢ አለ ሁሉ
ከበረትም ከብቱ
ካውድማ ላይ ምርቱ
የለም ረድኤቱ
ጥሮና ግሮ ሰው
አንዲት ቁና ጠፋ ..........
ጎተራም ዕራበው ::

''ንጉሱ ''ም ሰው ናቀ
ባምላክ ተሳለቀ
ሳቀ ሳቀ ሳቀ
ግና ........
ሰው ተንሰቀሰቀ ::

መዋደድ ጠፋ
ልጅ አባቱን ገፋ
አባት ልጁን ተፋ
ምን ይኖረን ተስፋ
ይኽ አምላክ የለሹ .........
ጨርሶ እስኪጠፋ ::

ባምላክ ታምኖ ወጥቶ
ጠላትን ድል ነስቶ
አንገቱን ያልደፋ
በፋሺሽት ለከፋ
ምነው ዛሬ ምነው .......
ባንዳን አጥፊ ጠፋ ?

ባይኖር ከገበታ
በዕጦት ቢንገላታ
በፋሺሽቶች ፈንታ
ጌታዬ አለው በርታ !
ሀገር አ ድ ሚ ዉን ሰው .....
ያን ምላሰ መንታ ::

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

ምጥን ቀጭን ሽሮ

ምጥን ቀጭን ሽሮ
ኧረ ጉድ ዘንድሮ
ተወዶ ተፈቅሮ
ሰው አይፀድቅ ቆንጥሮ ::

ከሜኑው በፎቶ
ድርት ብሎ ኮርቶ
ታየ ኩሩው ሽሮ
ዶኬ ጥንብርብሮ
ክብሩን አስከብሮ ::

ገላመጥነው ድሮ
አመድ ነዥን ሽሮ
አሁን ተቀይሮ
በእጅግ ተሞሽሮ
እንጀራው ላይ ሰፍሮ
በአይንም ተበላ .......
ላፍ ደባሪው ሽሮ ::

''ሽሮን ሲያታልሏት
ፕሮቲን ነሽ አልዋት ''
ስንል ያፌዝንበት
ይኸው ቀን ወቶሎት
ተናፈቀ በዉነት
እርጉዝ እስኪያስገድድ
ዕምሮት እስኪያስወርድ
ተወዶ እንደጉድ !!

አበው እንዳሉት
ሽሮንም ስናየው፣
ቅል ድንጋይ ይሠብራል
ለሁሉም ጊዜ አለው ::

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

ማር ቀረ

ማር ቀረ

በዉነት ማር ቀረ
ስኳር ሽቅብ ናረ ::

በረሀብ እንዳይረግፍ፣
ፅዳቱ እንዳይጎድፍ፣
ዘብ ብትቆም ደጃፍ፣
ዕጥር አርጋው በክንፍ፣
ከቶ አንዳች እንዳያልፍ፣
ከሠራተኛው ረድፍ፣
ገፍቶ ለመጣው ነው ........
ንቢት ብትናደፍ ::

ስለንቦች .......

አኃዝ የለሹ ንብ
ሲርመሰመስ ያለው፣
ሎሌ ለንግስቱ
ለኑሮ መከታው ::
ጥንቁቅ ናት እሷም
እንዲሠምር ሰልፉ ፣
ጥጋብ እንዲበዛ
ማር ሞልቶ እስካፉ፣
ሟች ናት ለቀፎዋ
አይደለችም ክፉ ::

ስለንቦች ......

አይታወቅ በይፋ ፣
ንብ በንብ ሲከፋ፣
አዬ !
ስንቱ አቀረቀረ ፣
የዝንብ ኑሮን ኖረ ፣
በንብ ነኝ ተብዬው ......
ንቡ ተባረረ፣
ቀፎም ጦም አደረ፣
በዉነት ማር ቀረ ! ፣
ስኳር ሽቅብ ናረ ::

Thursday, November 02, 2006

As Pure As Babies

As pure as babies
and free used to be

in telling the truth,
but not a single

my peace
is running out and
Saying to me
bye bye,

as Pure as babies
let me live
and die.