Monday, August 27, 2007

The great Ethiopian, Trunesh Dibaba, maintains the Ethiopian tradition

TIRUNESH Dibaba overcame a stomach bug and a fall to win back-to-back 10,000m titles for Ethiopia and a fourth overall at the World Championships yesterday.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Idan Raichel And Ethiopians

ኢዳን Idan ትውልዱም እድገቱም እስኤል ነው :: ወላጆቹ የምስራቅ አውሮፓ ትውልድ ሀረግ ያላቸው ናቸው :: በዚህ መድረክ ትንሽ ስለ ኢዳን ማለት የፈለኩት ለማለት ያስገደደኝ , አንድ ለኢትዮጵያ ሙዚቃ ያለው ትላቅ ክብርና ፍቅር :: ሌላው በእስራል ሀገር ከሚገኙ ቤተ እስራኤላዊያን ጋር ያለው ትስስር እና ባህላቸውን እትዮጵያዊ ስሜትና ፍቅራቸውን ከዚህኛው ባህል ለመዋሀድ ሲሉ መጣል እንደሌለባቸው የሚመክር የ 29 አመት ታዋቂ /አዋቂ የሙዚቃ ሰው በመሆኑ ነው :: click 4 more Idan Raichel amargna

Sunday, August 19, 2007

በፍቅር ለፍቅር

መጥላት አይሁነን
ይልቅ ለልብ -ፍስሃ
በፍቅር , ለፍቅር ዘምሩ ,
በዕውነት here 4 amargna

Thursday, August 16, 2007

Yetehedesh Neber! .........fantu and friends

thx solomon D.J,
we're waiting for the next one.

A 26-year-old Ethiopian student & a 55- years-old Russian woman

Tamara Pankova, 55, a blind champion of Olympic Games for disabled people from the Russian city of Rostov-on-Don married a 26-year-old Ethiopian student and says her husband is the most handsome man.

Tamara met the young man in a park where she walked with her guide-dog. The Labrador jumped up to a bench where black students were sitting and friendly wagged its tail. One of the students, Jacob, was the bravest to caress the dog. When the young man saw that the blind owner of the dog standing at a distance could not walk without the dog’s help he took the dog to Tamara. Jacob asked if he could take the woman home, but she refused and instead gave him her phone number. In several days, Tamara Pankova had a telephone call from Jacob who wanted to know if she had come home without any problems. Soon, the black student began to call Tamara regularly. The young man confessed that he came to the city a year ago, he had just few acquaintances there and felt absolutely lonely.

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

ይኽ ኑሮ

ለግራ ሰው ቀኙ
ለቀኙ ሰው ግራ
በሩቅ ላየው ፀዳል

ሥንዝር ታህል ጭውውት __ (ቄሱና ዲያቆን ለይኩን )7

click here 4 amrgna

ውሻ እያለ አጥር ለምኔ ያሉት ቄስ ፍቅረማርያም , የአንበርብር ውሻቸው መፍዘዝ አስግርሞቸዋል :: የጠረጠሩትን ጠርጥረዋል :: ከሰው መስማት ይሻላል ብለው ዝም ብለዋል እንጂ ::

Friday, August 03, 2007

ሥንዝር ታህል ጭውውት __ (ቄሱና ዲያቆን ለይኩን )6

click here 4 amargna
ከተማዋ ውስጥ ብዙ ሰው አይኖሩባትም :: ከምስራቅና ከምዕራብ ክንፍ በሁለት ተራሮች ትጠበቃለች :: ከተራራዎቹ ጀርባ የእርሻ ቦታዎች , ጫካ ና አልፎ አልፎ ጎጆዎች አሉ :: እንደ እባብ የተጥመለመለ ወንዝ መስኩን አቋርጦ ቁልቁል ሲፈስ ይታያል ::

አዱኛ adugna

ምንያደርጋል ….

ሲፈጥረኝ ንቁ
የምወድ ሽለላ ,
ወዜ ተንጠፍጣፊ
በቅባት ሳልበላ ;
ቀኔ ወገግ ያለ
ፅልመት የማያውቀኝ ,
ከኪሴ ብር ሸሸቶ
አንድ የለ የሚያጅበኝ ::
click here 4 amargna