Friday, April 27, 2007

The Most Kept Secret

Don't have any idea
what's been my ingress,
When I came to the earth
to accoplish my dance.
Where was my entrance?

Have I acquired knowledge
was it just a simple luck,
Grabbing breasts
sucking by day and dark.
Knowledge or luck?

connecting th disjunctions I,
selling smile for a smile,
And making use of my eyes
as a poet's pencil.
modeling ones smile?

I don't have a clue
that cry is a power,
Tears are its bullets
to wound and capture.
Does its pain endure?

The crack of the earth
cozy spot for rest,
my entrance would be
my only exit,
ha!this, also, remains
as most kept secret.

Friday, April 06, 2007

ደጅ መውጫ dej mawcha

አባወራው :
ቤታቸው በር ላይ
ጉርጓድ ሲቆፍሩ
ለጊቢያቸው ወይን
አንድ አልጋ ሊሰሩ
ሚስታቸው ያዩትን
ማየት ተስኗቸው
“ምነያደርክ ነው ?”click here

My Glowing Sunshine

As radiant rays
sprinkle on the sea
gloriously at dawn,
I'd not deny that
you've been my glowing

Yet, you're just rotating
round and round
at your own axis,
Skulking your own phantom
here and there
but all evil acts.

I'd not deny that
you've been my glowing
but a cruel one,
The ruin er of evergreen love
to the point that
has no u-turn.

In our inner being
there's a jungle of life
or two,
which you put a torch to it
while I put
my trust upon you.

I've to deny that
you can't be as the sunshine
comes up at east
Merely, as you altered
our smooth and heavenly life
as rough as Kalahari desert.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I Wish

( By Meti Shewaye Yilma )

Why should I wish
if I can't accomplish?

Would I say I wish I were...?
No. I'mn't aware.
Even for now, for what I am.
I whish I has...
though I know it's very hard;
like holding cloud.
Am I sure of this minute?
No, I'mn't.
I've never been.
I should be wise
to use this right moment.
I should be smart
to appreciate what I'm given.
I have myself
and this sun light.
I shall use it
before the dawn -
till it gets dark.
'bout the poet---> click